Create your account

There is no limit to the number of accounts. You can create as many accounts as you need.
The aims to provide more domains in the future, so that its users have more options in terms of email addresses.
We do not impose any restrictions with regard to passwords, but we ask our users to be responsible and to choose sufficiently strong passwords to properly protect their account.
We recommend that passwords have at least 8 characters and be composed of letters and numbers.

Start session

The username does not contain the domain (ie without "@"), but if you enter the full email address, we discard the domain.

Reset Password

The username does not contain the domain (ie without "@"), but if you enter the full email address, we discard the domain.
The email may take a few minutes to get to your email, if after 15 minutes, you still have not received the mail, make sure it is not in your spam folder. If it is not in your spam folder, it is most likely that you mispelt your username, please try again.
The link you received to change the password is only valid for 24 hours.

Email forwarding

The does not limit the number of emails that you can receive, all the emails that you receive in your account are redirected to your address.

Virtual mailboxes

A normal account (type = "Basic") can have up to 10 active mailboxes. But you can change the mailboxes whenever needed.
Mailboxes are active as soon as you press the "Add mailbox" button, i.e. the activation is immediate.
The anonymous mailboxes are identical to the mailboxes with suffixes, but the anonymous mailboxes do not allow the identification of the user, because unlike the latter, the username is not part of the address.

Account types

At present there are 2 types of accounts; "Basic" and "VIP".
The "VIP" accounts are intended to's sponsors, i.e. who support financially.

The features with higher computational requirements are reserved for "VIP" accounts.

The following table shows the difference between the 2 types of accounts:

  Basic VIP
Number of emails redirected No limits No limits
Max size of redirected emails 10 megabytes 10 megabytes
Number of email address No limits No limits
Number of active mailboxes 10 mailboxes with suffixes No limits
Number of active anonymous mailboxes Not available No limits
Email filters Not available No limits
Yes, making a financial donation of $10 (U.S. dollars) to support the project.
We offer 3 years of status "VIP" for every donation received.
You can create a account and make a donation of $10 (U.S. dollars) using Paypal.
All settings made while "VIP" remain operational, however you can't create new mailboxes (over the limit of a "Basic" account) or define new email filters, you can however, remove any mailbox or filter you don't need.

Invitation codes

An invitation code gives 3 months of VIP status to the account created with the invite.
The invitation codes must be entered in the "Invitation code" field on the sign up form.
The VIP status is assigned only when the account is activated, ie when the email address is validated.
You can find the invitation codes in the option "Account/Invitation codes".
You can check the status of the invitation codes in option the "Account/Invitation codes".
You can check the status of the invitation codes in the "Account/Invitation codes" option.
The VIP status is extended only when the account is activated, ie, when the "Date of activation" field is filled.


Please send an mail to